Hermann, Missouri, has a rich history of the arts and has always supported her artists whether their talents be in the visual, musical, or performing arts Some of Hermann's artists over the years have specialized in one medium while others have been multi-talented. When a survey was done some twenty years ago, it was reported that there were more than 90 artists living in the area. Many were professionals while others simply continued family traditions in making art and music.
Recognizing this wealth of resources, in 1999, Hermann Tourism decided to sponsor the first Studio Tours in Hermann at the recommendation of Alice Calhoun, then a board member. The artists who joined the first tour became known as the "Artists of Wine Country." The original group included Alice Jacobson, Alice Calhoun, Catherine Mahoney, Al and Sidney Miller, Don and Carol Damhorst, Chris Cady, Joey Los, Dave Ludig, and Artur Hohl. The Studio Tours continued for several years with Hermann Tourism's sponsorship and the area artists who participated were grateful for this support. At this point there was a nominal charge for those who went on the tours. A few years later the group decided that the tours should be free and the Artists of Wine Country took over the tours themselves. Shortly before this one of the original members, Alice Jacobson, passed away, and the group decided to establish a scholarship for a Hermann High student who was planning to study art at the university level. And in 2003, the group held its first scholarship benefit.
Recognizing this wealth of resources, in 1999, Hermann Tourism decided to sponsor the first Studio Tours in Hermann at the recommendation of Alice Calhoun, then a board member. The artists who joined the first tour became known as the "Artists of Wine Country." The original group included Alice Jacobson, Alice Calhoun, Catherine Mahoney, Al and Sidney Miller, Don and Carol Damhorst, Chris Cady, Joey Los, Dave Ludig, and Artur Hohl. The Studio Tours continued for several years with Hermann Tourism's sponsorship and the area artists who participated were grateful for this support. At this point there was a nominal charge for those who went on the tours. A few years later the group decided that the tours should be free and the Artists of Wine Country took over the tours themselves. Shortly before this one of the original members, Alice Jacobson, passed away, and the group decided to establish a scholarship for a Hermann High student who was planning to study art at the university level. And in 2003, the group held its first scholarship benefit.